My Travel Map

Saturday, July 18, 2009

All's in the blood

Do you know from where do I get my passion for travelling? Well...I get it from my grandmother i.e my dad's mom, my ajji who is an avid traveller. She is very enthusiastic about travelling even at the age of 69 and takes at least two trips every year. She has seen a substantial part of the world and always brings back souvenirs and coins for me (I guess she secretly favorites me as most of the stuff she gets back is for me :D) She always travels with her fellow senior citizens or with conducted tours.

What I really adore about her is her undying spirit to live life to the fullest and of course travelling. She is completely 'bindaas' and lives life her way. On her trip to Europe, during the first week she dislocated her shoulder joint and was asked to go back home. But she refused and tried to relocate the joint and completed the tour (the orthopedic was really shocked hearing this after she returned though, as she luckily relocated it right :D) Whenever she books a tour she always makes me go through the itenary and gets me all kinds of booklets and brochures when she gets back. It feels really nice to read about all those wonderful places she has been to.

So far she has been to the Far East (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Europe, Dubai, Scandinavia and almost all of India and now she is all set to visit USA. She used to work as a school teacher and travels on her own savings. I just hope that when I am her age I also share the same passion for travelling and I will consider myself really lucky if I get to travel as much as her.

Love you ajji....may you live a long healthy life and travel a lot more!!


  1. This is soo sweet Anu. I'm tweeting this rightaway...!

  2. thanx zeba...thats really sweet of you!! :D

  3. awww now i misss my ajji tooo.... hey hum donno jaayengey ghoomne saath mein.. 2 bhudi's.. zeba u wanna join.. ;) hehehe
